"Pathways" to better health and economic wellbeing
Information Pathways
Information pathways will provide wide-spread access to local services contributing to the health and economic well being of Australians, including; As well as a more efficient service delivery system;
The Community Services systems is complex and difficult to navigate. " |
An important bridge to success, especially among people from migrant backgrounds or people living in poverty is access to the right kind of supports at the right time. While My Community Directory and other online resources potentially provide a fantastic range of information, a lack of general knowledge regarding how to navigate the social services system is restricting people’s access to existing services, with a significant economic and social cost.
This has been an on-going issue for the Health and Community Services Sector for many years, and there have been many attempts to address this issue but they have failed because they:
• An over complicated solution – often driven from an academic perspective
• Not linking to current and up to date information resources
• “Project” based funding which means that resources are quickly outdated and not kept relevant.
The “Pathways” project will provide a resource that helps people to navigate the Social Services system in a simple and accessible way. The focus for the project will be to engage individuals and organisations who have navigated the Mental Health and Disability Services system and provide relevant information using simple concepts and images that appeal to the broadest possible range of service users.
By combining this with My Community Directory and other relevant sources of information, the “Pathways” project will provide a means for people to both identify the help they need, and where to receive it, in an easy to use online system for the first time. Providing this information in a freely available, and highly used online platform will significantly increase the public’s ability to navigate the complex health care, financial and social systems, and increase the expertise of front-line staff in the Health Care and Social Assistance Industry.
By providing the extra resource of the “Pathways” project, to www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au visitors, we will increase usefulness of the website, which will ultimately drive increased traffic and revenue through the sale of memberships and other fee generating activities of the platform.
This has been an on-going issue for the Health and Community Services Sector for many years, and there have been many attempts to address this issue but they have failed because they:
• An over complicated solution – often driven from an academic perspective
• Not linking to current and up to date information resources
• “Project” based funding which means that resources are quickly outdated and not kept relevant.
The “Pathways” project will provide a resource that helps people to navigate the Social Services system in a simple and accessible way. The focus for the project will be to engage individuals and organisations who have navigated the Mental Health and Disability Services system and provide relevant information using simple concepts and images that appeal to the broadest possible range of service users.
By combining this with My Community Directory and other relevant sources of information, the “Pathways” project will provide a means for people to both identify the help they need, and where to receive it, in an easy to use online system for the first time. Providing this information in a freely available, and highly used online platform will significantly increase the public’s ability to navigate the complex health care, financial and social systems, and increase the expertise of front-line staff in the Health Care and Social Assistance Industry.
By providing the extra resource of the “Pathways” project, to www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au visitors, we will increase usefulness of the website, which will ultimately drive increased traffic and revenue through the sale of memberships and other fee generating activities of the platform.